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Competitive Landscape and Copper Market Share Analysis








发表于 2023-8-1 10:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Why Is Copper So Valuable?
the price of copper today per kilogram

The heart of a metal: Captivating Images of Copper Mining

Copper has been a crucial part of the global economy since mankind first discovered its value thousands of years ago. This versatile metal is used in electronics, construction, transportation, and renewable energy technologies, making it an essential component in modern society. However, as demand for copper continues to rise, experts warn of a looming supply gap that could short-circuit the global energy transition. According to the International Copper Study Group, demand for copper is expected to grow by 2.7% each year until 2023. This surge in demand is being driven by the electrification of transport, the growth of renewable energy sources, and urbanization in developing countries. Electric vehicles alone are expected to account for 18% of copper demand by 2030. Unfortunately, the production of copper is not keeping pace with this demand. Production has already plateaued at around 20 million tonnes per year, with no significant new mines expected to come online in the near future. This shortage has led to rising prices, with the cost of copper increasing by more than 50% since the start of the pandemic. The shortage of copper could have serious implications for the global energy transition. Renewable energy technologies require large amounts of copper to function, with wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles all containing significant amounts of the metal. The International Energy Agency has estimated that the world will need six times more copper by 2040 if it is to reach its climate goals. The supply gap for copper could also have wider economic implications. Copper is used in construction and infrastructure projects, making it essential for the growth of developing economies. Without access to copper, these countries could struggle to achieve the economic growth needed to lift their populations out of poverty. To address the looming supply gap, mining companies are exploring new technologies and techniques to increase copper production. This includes investments in automation and digitalization, as well as the development of new, more efficient mining methods. Recycling and urban mining could also help to bridge the gap by recovering valuable metals from electronic waste and urban mines. In conclusion, the future of copper is uncertain. While demand for the metal continues to grow, production is struggling to keep up. This supply gap could have serious implications for the global energy transition and wider economic growth. As we move towards a more sustainable future, it is critical that we find new ways to increase copper production and ensure that it is available to support the technologies that will power our society      Recycling scrap Copper     Copper scrap seller

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